Genesis of the Enigma…again?

Yeehaw! Here we go again! Ha, just a little while ago we had to part with the old blog for Auslander…ah such good memories…

This is a page for the hopefully upcoming game known as Auslander! But just what is Auslander?

What is Auslander? In it’s formative years it was an online camp painstakingly produced by a young Collin Buffum, or SBA3002, as he was known at the time. The online camp fell through, and was released unfinished, and shortly after was deleted altogether.

Flashforward to 2006, a new member had joined Collin Buffum’s website. D-Shaft Destroyer, as he called himself, was a fan of the text-based RPG, Kingdom of Loathing, and made a 7+ Page mock of it which he jokingly named “Auslander” after the failed camp. Soon ideas started brewing in his head and by 2007 he was drawing maps for the world of Auslander, including continents like McKingroh and Worricessing. With another member, Darks0uldier, they molded some other ideas.

Flashforward to 2008. The Auslander project had stagnated. Without a programmer it was nothing more than a glorified brainstorm. Marlin (Eric), was a novice programmer, and after some practice, decided to take the role of programmer of the Auslander game. After some discussion, it was decided Marlin be programmer, D-Shaft be artist, and SBA (Now known as P.O. Gun) be developer, as well as the end product being hosted on his website,

Auslander is a text-based RPG that follows a young “lad” through 10-11 fights to find his trusty canine with the help of his lady partner. Enemies, stats, characters, and items are accompanied by colorful sprite pictures. The game follows a loose plot.

Currently there is no timeline for the development of Auslander, but one is being developed because if it doesn’t this shit will never get done…

Anyways, that’s the summary basically. To understand more you should probably go back to the previous blog and read more. If you’re too lazy just follow this link. With that said, it’s time to get to work! This blog ain’t gonna design itself!

Oh, and comments disallowed for now. Sorry, I’ll fix that when I finish designing!